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Our Autism Inclusion Project Started!


We started the Can Ahbap Autism Inclusion Project to meet the educational needs of 50 36-month-old children in a kindergarten in Maltepe, Istanbul.

This month, we started a new project as Ahbap Association. We launched the Can Ahbap Autism Inclusion Project to meet the educational needs of 50 36-month-old children who show signs of autism spectrum disorder and have communication problems in a kindergarten in Maltepe, Istanbul.

Our aim with this project is to see and show to their families that children who participate in early education and inclusion activities develop faster. In this study, in which psychologists are involved, we will start with 50 children who reside in the Maltepe neighbourhood and can easily participate in the trainings.

Thanks to inclusion studies, which is a different method from special education, and by recognising the symptoms of autism spectrum at an early age, children will develop faster and will not feel excluded by working with other children who do not show signs of autism and will increase their exchange of information.

Individuals residing around Maltepe and whose children have communication problems, delay in speech and perception, and disorders can apply via link.