Media Board


  • The Media Board ensures that Ahbap values and Ahbap's view of the world are conveyed to the masses in the most accessible, appropriate and accurate way in the print and visual media by using traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, television and digital media such as social media and websites.
  • It works to ensure that the work done by Ahbap boards and cities is properly announced to the right target audience.
  • It conducts studies on expanding access to accurate information.
  • It collaborates with experts to ensure that information is conveyed to society in its most truthful and accurate form.
  • Since the sub-texts in the news and information provided by the Media Board can affect individuals psychologically, the content is prepared in consultation with experts.
  • News prepared by the Media Board is based on a legal fact (basis).
  • Makes sure that everyone has a right to speak, and gives voice to all points of view.
  • Produces projects to increase media literacy for all segments of society.
  • Conducts studies on social pollution caused by new media instruments. In addition to the benefits it brings, it also seeks to raise awareness about its risks.


To make the name Ahbap a well-known platform in Turkey and around the world, to make all the work done by the Ahbap Platform transparent, clear and accurate in all media areas in accordance with ethical values on a purely voluntary basis, not in pursuit of profits but of love and truth.


It ensures that all Ahbap Platform social media channels, including cities, universities and boards, share posts in coordination with each other within the framework of various standards and are managed in a controlled manner; It manages the correct transmission of Ahbap values to the society through social media.